Heathcote Quilters
Services Heathcote
Monthly meetings (including Project Days) are held on the 4th Wednesday of the month from 10am to 3pm at Heathcote Country Lodge, 9 Hunter Place, Heathcote.
Sew and Chat gatherings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the Art Space, from 10am - 1pm at the rear of the Shire Office, Camp Street, Heathcote.
Social Day March 12th Visit Maryborough’s Golden Textures Exhibition and Jenny Bacon’s Quilts and up to 4 fabric shops depending on time and credit card limits.
Heathcote On Show June 6th and 7th 10am-4pm Community Sew and Chat: If you don’t know about quilting come and see what the quilters do, if you do know come along and bring your current project.
Heathcote Quilters Biennial QuiltIn Sat October 17th 10am-4pm Quilting Display. Raffles. Games. Traders.
9 Hunter Place, Heathcote,